To blog or not
I came across these thoughts on blogging:
It’s cool to maintain a blog, even it’s only from the technical perspective. The feeling of complete ownership over something is really fulfilling, even if it’s just some bytes on a remote server in this ethereal world.
You can say whatever the heck you want. It’s your blog, you don’t need to follow any rules. I just cursed and you can’t do nothing about it, because this is my blog and I do what I want. This will give you a sense of freedom that’s really cool imho.
The first point is why I ended up with my own custom script to generate this site after using "self-hosted" as well "as a service" Wordpress and then eleventy. It's very satisfying.
The second point is a modified version of the original thought because, like, I can. Whilst I have no problem if others do, I don't swear on this blog!
Thanks to FlamedFury for the link.