Visiting Gothenburg

Oslo to Goteborg

Having spent 3 lovely days in Oslo we got the train to Gothenburg in the afternoon. After about 4 hours we arrived there in the late afternoon. A short taxi ride took us to our hotel, the Grand Curiosa.

Grand Curiosa Hotel

This was a quite spectacular hotel, mainly geared to families visiting the amusement park next door, which however was only open on weekends. We arrived on a Monday. The hotel had a distinct Harry Potter style to it.

Island Tour

The next day we headed to the archipelago in the sea to the west of the city. First we took a half hour tram ride, then we got on a boat, again part of the public transport system. No need to pay for overpriced tours.

Our destination was Vrango island, the furthest out on the boat route. The weather was sunny, so we enjoyed the day strolling around the island.

Gothenburg was only a short stop on our way to Copenhagen. The next day we had another train to catch.
