About My Site
This site is hand crafted using plain old HTML and CSS. The content is written using markdown and generated using my own custom PHP code running in GitHub Actions. The type is set in Mono Sans.
There is also an RSS feed containing my most recent posts.
I try to follow the ideals of the IndieWeb. The main aim being that your content belongs to you and that you are in control of it. As their site states:
The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the โcorporate webโ.
For those who are interested, I have written a more detailed history of this site.
This site collects no personal information, does not track you, stores no cookies and uses almost no JavaScript. Therefore there are no annoying data privacy popups or design gimmicks that get in the way of the content. It's plain text, largely black on white.
This site does not use cookies, it does however use the "local storage" of the browser to store the theme chosen by the user. But it only does this if the user changes the theme, otherwise no local storage is used. I am not convinced this requires a cookie warning, so I didn't add one! You can validate this site's privacy using the Blacklight tool from The Markup. They find no privacy issues.
This site will work perfectly without JavaScript. It does use JavaScript to implement theming functionality. It also uses the GoatCounter to count visits to the site. It does this without cookies and without tracking.
This site on the web
The site appears in the Indieweb webring and has also been subitted to these small scale search engines or blogrolls.
An assortment of webby badges for this site.
This site will work in any browser that implements the HTML standard properly.
This site is an IndieWeb site, which means that I am in full control of the content, design and hosting of the site.
This site is a Level 2 IndieWeb site.
This site uses microformats to markup the content and other data in the source code of the site.
Badges with thanks to: